Injection moulding machines are capable of performing injection moulding operations, but when they are used by staff, the following points should be noted in order to ensure the safety of the production process and personal safety.
If the temperature of the injection moulding machine rises, then there are many hazards associated with this situation. For example, it can cause deformation of the machine. If the coefficient of thermal expansion of the hydraulic parts is different, the gap will change accordingly, which may lead to system failure, and the accuracy of the hydraulic system itself will also be affected, and the quality of the machine's work will be reduced.
The increase in temperature will cause the viscosity of the oil to drop. If such a situation occurs, then it will make all the system functions of the injection moulding machine will be reduced. As the viscosity decreases, the wear of the lubricated parts increases significantly, causing increased wear problems. High temperatures can damage parts of the rubber structure. This is because if the temperature is too high, the ageing of the rubber is accelerated, so that its sealing performance is reduced and its service life is reduced, and leaks occur. High temperatures can also be caused by blockages in the piping, for example in filters and cooling towers.
The problems associated with high temperatures are numerous. Therefore, it is important to avoid such problems when dealing with them and to deal with them promptly if they occur. If there are any errors or accidents in the safety facilities, the machine should be shut down and the fault must be removed before restarting the machine.