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How does Oil-electric High Speed ​​Injection Machine reduce mold loss?

In modern manufacturing, molds are an indispensable and key component of the injection molding process. Mold loss not only affects production costs, but also directly affects product quality and production efficiency. With its advanced technology and characteristics, Oil-electric High Speed ​​Injection Machine has significant advantages in reducing mold loss. The following will discuss in detail how Oil-electric High Speed ​​Injection Machine reduces mold loss and improves production efficiency.

1. Advantages of high-speed injection molding technology:

Oil-electric High Speed ​​Injection Machine is famous for its fast injection speed. Compared with traditional hydraulic injection molding machines, it can complete the injection molding process in a shorter time, effectively reducing the time the product stays in the mold. This is especially important for reducing mold loss, because long-term high temperature and high pressure will accelerate mold wear and reduce its service life.

2. Accurate injection molding control:

Oil-electric High Speed ​​Injection Machine uses an electric servo system to accurately control various parameters in the injection molding process, such as pressure, speed, position, etc. By precisely controlling the injection molding process, mold damage caused by excessive or low pressure and speed can be avoided. Each injection action can be performed within the optimal parameter range, maximizing the service life of the mold.

3. Mold temperature control system:

Oil-electric High Speed ​​Injection Machine is usually equipped with an advanced mold temperature control system. During the injection molding process, the stability of the mold temperature is crucial to product quality and mold life. By precisely controlling the heating and cooling process of the mold, the expansion and contraction of the mold caused by temperature changes can be effectively reduced, thereby reducing mold loss.

4. Optimized injection molding process:

Oil-electric High Speed ​​Injection Machine is equipped with advanced control systems and mold design software, which can perform optimized injection molding process design. In the product design stage, the risk of loss caused by uneven mold force can be reduced by means of mold runner design and injection molding parameter optimization. At the same time, mold damage caused by unreasonable product design can be avoided.

5. Regular maintenance and care:

Oil-electric High Speed ​​Injection Machine is easy to operate and relatively easy to maintain. Regular mold maintenance work includes cleaning the mold surface, checking the degree of wear of mold parts, lubricating mold moving parts, etc. Through effective maintenance measures, the service life of the mold can be extended and the loss problem caused by wear can be reduced.

6. Data analysis and optimization:

Oil-electric High Speed ​​Injection Machine is equipped with data acquisition and analysis functions, which can record key parameter data during the injection molding process. Through the analysis of the data, potential production problems and mold loss trends can be found. Based on the data analysis results, corresponding optimization measures can be taken to further reduce the mold loss rate and improve production efficiency and product quality.

Oil-electric High Speed ​​Injection Machine effectively reduces mold loss through multiple measures such as high-speed injection molding technology, precise injection molding control, mold temperature control system, optimized injection molding process, regular maintenance and data analysis. This not only improves the service life of the mold and reduces production costs, but also ensures the stability of product quality and production efficiency.

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